Our Mission

Since the founding of Marian Central Catholic High School, its mission has been and continues to be developing students spiritually, morally, academically and socially by integrating the teachings of Jesus Christ with a value-centered curriculum.

In a safe family atmosphere, the faculty and administration challenge students not only to reach their highest academic potential, but also to adopt a disciplined work ethic necessary to become contributing self-sufficient citizens who move confidently into the world, and to use their talents and gifts to lead and serve others.

Building Men and Women for Life

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Latest Updates:

March 30, 2020 We are so fortunate that Fr. Twenty was able to join the Marian community together in Mass this morning.
Student Technology Support during Marian e-learning Days: Any student needing technical support during the e-learning days should complete the following form and they will receive a response as soon as possible. Technology Assistance Request Form

March 27, 2020
Messages from Fr. 20

First: Yet again our Holy Father is asking us to join him in prayer the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

In this unique event, Pope Francis will be bestowing his Papal blessing called “Urbi et Orbi” (latin for “to the city [Rome] and the world”). Historically this particular blessing has only occurred on three occasions: 1) at the Pope’s inauguration, 2) Christmas, and 3) Easter.

To join the faithful all around the world united in prayer with the Successor of St. Peter, tune in to this live stream event at Noon today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3uQJsO6bxk

Want to learn more about the Urbi et Orbi blessing and the plenary indulgence attached to it? Check out this article:  https://aleteia.org/2020/03/26/why-the-popes-blessing-on-march-27-will-be-absolutely-unique/

Second: tune in to the Marian Central Facebook page at 2pm for a live video from Fr. 20!

God bless,

Fr. 20

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