The mission statement of Marian Central includes in part, “our school shares with parents and the parishes of the McHenry Deanery in the teaching mission of the Church”. Parents are the first teachers of their children. In order for our school to achieve its mission, parent involvement in the process is critical. We know from experience that the more parents involve themselves in the educational process by motivating and monitoring their students throughout their high school careers, the greater will be the likelihood of higher levels of achievement for students and higher levels of satisfaction for students, parents, and staff. Two-way communication between parents and teachers, counselors, coaches, club moderators, and administrators is strongly encouraged. The school communicates with parents through its student and athletic handbooks, curriculum guide, etc., as well as our web site where parents can access student academic progress, school announcements, etc. We also provide phone voice mailboxes and email addresses for staff so that parents can communicate with us.