
Web Based Grade Books

Marian Central provides parents access to their students’ academic grades in progress through its web based “Parent Connect”grade book. Once at the site, users enter the student ID and the password provided to families by the school to gain access. Parents are encouraged to continually monitor their students’ academic progress using this feature.
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Report Cards

Report cards will only be mailed at the end of each semester. Because grades are continuously available online from the school’s web site, an email message will be sent reminding parents and students to check first and third quarter final grades. Only the semester grades are recorded on student transcripts. If an error appears on a report card, the student is responsible for discussing this with the teacher of that class. If there is an error, the teacher will complete a grade change form and turn it into the School Office. Information contained on a report card will become a part of the student’s official record unless within ten (10) days the Director of Curriculum is notified of error.

Grading Philosophy

Grades are an evaluation of what the student has learned, reflecting both a mastery of course objectives and the total effort and enthusiasm expended by the student in this process. In accordance with the concepts of motivation and reinforcement as well as in cooperation with the Illinois Board of Higher Education, Marian Central requires a letter grade evaluation for each class. Grades are a part of the student’s transcript and are important for entrance into institutions of higher learning and to potential employers. We at Marian Central only keep a student’s records; the student makes them.